[C2] Batoh! (noPDA flying)

Results | [C2] Batoh!

Overall Results • 4. Quarter 2015
# Pilot CN RN Total D01 D02 D03 D04 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D10 D11 D12
1 Hans Nyc JN OK-6200 7755 1000 860 899 969 916 937 984 990 1000 959
2 T Broty TB OK-0516 7657 948 1000 1000 912 0 1000 817 988 992
3 Lubos Faitz LFM OK-4812 7571 209 945 1000 1000 843 102 1000 855 946 982
4 Jiri Adam ADX OK-0024 7535 991 953 952 867 893 973 973 879 921
5 Rudolf Kalousek R1K OK-7777 6838 738 932 812 860 915 525 735 734 910 628 936
6 Jiri Nemecek D32 OK-6432 5691 948 907 927 993 926 990
7 Michal Novak MHB OK-6446 5592 999 893 885 940 928 947
8 Josef Spirik S50 SPIRA 4095 271 836 0 819 820 758 334 257
9 Oldrich Slavicek O8 OK-OLDS 3948 982 1000 968 998
10 Pavel Kostkan PK OK-0906 2941 206 0 749 667 571 748
11 jiri holub JHO OK-4408 2780 776 769 513 722
12 Eman Sadik EMA OK-1940 2366 443 807 590 0 526 0
13 Petr Polach SOP OK-6808 2116 458 867 791
14 Miomir Ivanovic MIO 4O-001 1567 700 867 0
15 Wlodzimierz Kowalski DB9 SP-2964 1139 233 906
16 Tomas Ditrt UP TOM 1115 252 810 53
17 Miodrag Ivanovic IDM YU-1039 1102 105 0 997 0
18 Laszlo Orsy EJE HU-EJE 957 957
19 Leszek Tomasik LTO SP-2188 813 64 749 0 0
20 Miro Kucera MK7 OM-2507 705 705
21 Petr Plinta 7T OK-0357 333 333
22 Tomasz Zwolinski TZ2 SP-0028 263 263
23 Rob Roy C9 OM-0206 170 170
24 David Dorda 312 DU-A 6 6
25 Marek Marcus 030 SP-0303 0 0 0 0 0
26 Anton Rosenblum RU 242 0 0
27 Andy Corlier COR ANDY 0 0
28 Henry Paget UX G-TEAM 0 0
29 Alexander Novikov AVN UA-AVN 0 0
30 S Zolo ZS OM-6519 0 0
31 Zad Malck ZAD ZADMACK 0 0

[C2] Batoh! | Livestream Playlist


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