[C2] Batoh! (noPDA flying)

Results | [C2] Batoh!

DAY 02 • 10.01.2020 • 1. Quarter 2020
1 Erik Praznovsky EP OM-ERYC ASK21 169.9 km 01:40:34 101.4 km/h 0 p 1000 p
2 Pawel Lis PLP SP-3679 ASK21 169.9 km 01:43:06 98.9 km/h 0 p 974 p
3 Radek Pilar RP9 OK-2810 Blanik 169.9 km 02:03:40 82.4 km/h 1 p 955 p
4 Martin Baran MOV OK-2471 Blanik 169.9 km 02:04:29 81.9 km/h 4 p 946 p
5 Hans Nyc JN OK-6200 Blanik 169.9 km 02:07:07 80.2 km/h 1 p 928 p
6 Radek Mica RUM OK-5417 Blanik 169.9 km 02:07:12 80.1 km/h 0 p 928 p
7 Roman Podesva R OK-6704 Blanik 169.9 km 02:13:22 76.4 km/h 1 p 881 p
8 Roman Nehoda NEH OK-1966 Blanik 169.9 km 02:26:22 69.6 km/h 0 p 798 p
9 Tomas Vlcek TV OK-0777 Blanik 120.6 km 20 p 437 p
10 Lubos Faitz LFM OK-4812 Blanik 103.4 km 7 p 385 p
11 Samuel Rybar SR OM-2709 Blanik 56.7 km 1 p 214 p
12 Jiri Nemecek N31 OK-6431 Blanik 165.5 km 1 p 0 p
13 Renda Mat R8 OK-PARA Blanik 149.3 km 0 p 0 p
14 T Broty TBC OK-0516 Blanik 78.6 km 0 p 0 p
15 L Dado LD OM-6519 Blanik 23.4 km 2 p 0 p

[C2] Batoh! | Livestream Playlist


Where to buy Condor and sceneries?

Do you want to buy a Condor Soaring Simulator, additional gliders or very realistic sceneries for Condor? We are recommending our friendly e-shop www.condorworld.eu. They offer to their customers also all patches and installation instructions for download. They also provide support on installing the simulator.
