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Czech_Republic [0.5] - Landscape for Condor 2 by Luboš Faitz (LFM)

SCI4C3 (ShowCondorIGC for Condor 3) new  185

Author/Autor: Helmut Kuenne (Fox9) • Condor: Version 3
Filesize/Veľkosť: 1333/264 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE/ZIP

SCI4C3 (ShowCondorIGC for Condor 3) is the updated SCI program, which was adapted for Condor 3 simulator. It cannot support all the new features of Condor 3 (airspaces, weather zones etc.). Though you must accept some limitations.

SCI4C3 was concepted for one windspeed and - direction for the whole flight while Condor 3 uses several weatherzones with different wind. SCI4C3 considers only the wind of weatherzone 0. Different wind in SCI influenced some Parameters (mTAS-True Airpseed, mIAS - Indicated Airspeed…)

Virtual Outland:
In Condor 3 a virtual outland can happened if the penalty for flying in a forbidden airspace is set to 'Outland' SCI cannot registrate that. The barogram and track show a normal flight, but the Pilot Status is 'Landed' and the flown distance is smaller. SCI shows this in line 3 and 4 and informes you about a virtual landing.

The program SCI4C3 (ShowCondorIGC for Condor 3) supports scoring. It can load and present datas from CSV & IGC files. More information about SCI4C3 for Condor 3 at SCI4C3_ReadMe_Datei.txt file after installation.

 Download: Installer Version [version 2.6.2024.11] Download: ZIP (Manual Install) [version 2.6.2024.11]

VirtualSoaring Condor 2 Planes Skinpack updated 03/2024

Author/Autor: • Condor: V2
Filesize/Veľkosť: 548 kB/2.02 MB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE

Skins for Condor 2 gliders - VirtualSoaring livery. Planes done so far: Arcus, ASW19, Discus2a, DuoDiscus, JS3-15, JS3-18, LS4a, LS8Neo, Ventus3-15, Ventus3-18. Second installer (with addons) includes these skins plus VirtualSoaring watch, pilot hat and Condor 2 simulator intro screens/graphics.

Skiny pre Condor 2 vetrone v lakovaní VirtualSoaring. Zatiaľ skiny pre: Arcus, ASW19, Discus2a, DuoDiscus, JS3-15, JS3-18, LS4a, LS8Neo, Ventus3-15, Ventus3-18. Druhý inštalačný súbor (s addonmi) obsahuje okrem skinov aj VirtualSoaring náramkové hodinky, klobúk pilota a intro obrázky/grafiku pre Condor 2.

 Skins/Gauges at

ShowCondorIGC 2.62c for C2 updated 12/2023  41077

Author/Autor: Helmut Kuenne (Fox9) • Condor: Version 2
Filesize/Veľkosť: 1130/561 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE/ZIP

21.12.2023 | Update SCI 2.62d has added all new Condor2 gliders polars (in Datas folder) up to Condor Patch 2.2.0 + updated DAeC index list in PlaneIndices.txt file.

06.01.2022 | Update SCI 2.62c has added all new Condor2 gliders polars (in Datas folder) up to Hangar Update 22 + updated DAeC index list in PlaneIndices.txt file.

28.01.2021 | Update SCI 2.62b has added all new Condor2 gliders polars (in Datas folder) up to Hangar Update 18. Also added support for two handicap/index lists - default Condor 2 DAeC indexes in PlaneIndices.txt file, own custom IGC index list in IGC_Indices.txt file.

Update SCI 2.62 has some minor fixes and also added all new gliders polars (in Datas folder) up to Hangar Update 11 + SCI 2.62 is able to show penalty zones, groundlevel height and height above ground (AGL).

The program ShowCondorIGC (SCI) supports scoring. It can load and present datas from CSV & IGC files. In case of IGC files it can filter the flightplans and check the validity (with valicon.dll from Uros). It can also calculate the points. The calculation bases upon FAI Sporting Code Annex A. More information about SCI for Condor2 at SCI_for_Condor2_Readme.txt file after installation.

 Installer Version [2.62d] ZIP (Manual Install) [2.62d]
 Condor Patch 2.2.0: XCSoar Polars / Poláry pre XCSoar   XCSoar 7.43: Latest / Najnovší (2024/08/12)

CW-F Scenery: Splash Screens + XCM

Author/Autor: • Condor: V2
Filesize/Veľkosť: 18/23 MB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE

Additional splash/intro screens for new beautiful scenery CW-F (Bohemia) by Installer in two versions: for widescreen monitor (ratio 16:9) or for classic monitor (ratio 4:3). Also XCM map file for XCSoar available.

Doplnkové intro/úvodné obrázky pre novú nádhernú scenériu CW-F (Bohemia) od Inštalátor dostupný v dvoch verziách: pre widescreen/širokouhlý monitor (pomer 16:9) alebo pre klasický monitor (pomer 4:3). Taktiež pre používateľov XCSoar-u aj mapa vo formáte XCM.

 16:9 (wide screen)   4:3 (classic screen)   CW-F: XCM file for XCSoar

CW-E Scenery: Splash Screens + XCM

Author/Autor: • Condor: V2
Filesize/Veľkosť: 16/20 MB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE

Additional splash/intro screens for new beautiful scenery CW-E (Slovakia) by Installer in two versions: for widescreen monitor (ratio 16:9) or for classic monitor (ratio 4:3). Also XCM map file for XCSoar available.

Doplnkové intro/úvodné obrázky pre novú nádhernú scenériu CW-E (Slovakia) od Inštalátor dostupný v dvoch verziách: pre widescreen/širokouhlý monitor (pomer 16:9) alebo pre klasický monitor (pomer 4:3). Taktiež pre používateľov XCSoar-u aj mapa vo formáte XCM.

 16:9 (wide screen)   4:3 (classic screen)   CW-E: XCM file for XCSoar

CW-D Scenery: Splash Screens + XCM

Author/Autor: • Condor: V2
Filesize/Veľkosť: 20/25 MB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE

Additional splash/intro screens for new beautiful scenery CW-D (Swiss) by Installer in two versions: for widescreen monitor (ratio 16:9) or for classic monitor (ratio 4:3). Also XCM map file for XCSoar available.

Doplnkové intro/úvodné obrázky pre novú nádhernú scenériu CW-D (Swiss) od Inštalátor dostupný v dvoch verziách: pre widescreen/širokouhlý monitor (pomer 16:9) alebo pre klasický monitor (pomer 4:3). Taktiež pre používateľov XCSoar-u aj mapa vo formáte XCM.

 16:9 (wide screen)   4:3 (classic screen)   CW-D: XCM file for XCSoar

CW-C Scenery: Splash Screens + XCM

Author/Autor: • Condor: V2
Filesize/Veľkosť: 10/12 MB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE

Additional splash/intro screens for new beautiful scenery CW-C (CZ+SK) by Installer in two versions: for widescreen monitor (ratio 16:9) or for classic monitor (ratio 4:3). Also XCM map file for XCSoar available.

Doplnkové intro/úvodné obrázky pre novú nádhernú scenériu CW-C (CZ+SK) od Inštalátor dostupný v dvoch verziách: pre widescreen/širokouhlý monitor (pomer 16:9) alebo pre klasický monitor (pomer 4:3). Taktiež pre používateľov XCSoar-u aj mapa vo formáte XCM.

 16:9 (wide screen)   4:3 (classic screen)   CW-C: XCM file for XCSoar

CoTaCo 2/3/4: COndor TAsk COnverter updated

Author/Autor: Marc Till (MPT) • Condor: V2+V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 2.1 MB • Filetype/Typ súboru: ZIP

CoTaCo is a basic tool to convert Condor flight plans (.fpl) to XCSoar tasks (.tsk). It handles both Condor 1 and 2. AATs and Condor penalty zones are supported from version 2. For more informations please read README.txt file.

CoTaCo je jednoduchý nástroj na konverziu Condor letového plánu (.fpl súboru) na súbor tasku pre XCSoar (.tsk). Funguje pre Condor 1 aj 2. AAT-čka a Condor-ácke zakázané priestory sú už od verzie 2 podporované. Pre viac info si prečítajne návod v súbore README.txt. Download / Stiahnuť Club Class Skins
Skiny pre klubovky

Author/Autor: Erik Praznovský • Condor: V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 468 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE

New red skins for Club Class Plane Pack (PP2) are ready for you for download and 1-click install. Skins for ASG29, ASW15, ASW-19, Jantar Standard 3, Libelle and LS4.

"Nový lak" pre Plane Pack 2 (klubovky) formou inštaláku repaintov vo "firemných" farbách Repainty piatich vetroňov klubovej triedy v Condore: ASW-15, ASW-19, Jantar Standard 3, Libelle a LS4.

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Fifty Shades Of Blanik
50x L-13 skin pack

Author/Autor: Milan Žejdlík • Condor: V2
Filesize/Veľkosť: 43.3 MB • Filetype/Typ súboru: ZIP

Mega collection of 50 skins for Blanik L-13 school glider for Condor V2. Mostly Czech & Slovak real-life skins plus some others.
October 2020: updated skin for Medlánky Blaník  OK-0931v3.

Mega kolekcia 50 skinov pre Blanik L-13 do Condora V2. Prevažne reálne skiny "blaníčkov" z Čiech a Slovenska plus zopár ďalších.
Október 2020: upravený skin pre "medlánecký" Blaník  OK-0931v3.

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Jerry (Y77) Condor2 Skins updated

Author/Autor: Jan "Jerry" Michálek • Condor: V2
Filesize/Veľkosť: 714 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: 7ZIP

New skins by Jerry (Y77) for gliders in Condor V2. Skins for these planes: Antares18S, Diana2, Blaník, DuoDiscus, Genesis2, StdCirrus and LS8neo.

"Nové laky" od Jerryho (Y77) pre klzáky do Condor V2. Skiny týchto vetroňov: Antares18S, Diana2, Blaník, DuoDiscus, Genesis2, StdCirrus a LS8neo.

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Ibsen Condor2 Skins / Ibsenovky2

Author/Autor: Vlasťo "Ibsen" Bobula • Condor: V2
Filesize/Veľkosť: 4.17 MB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE

Ibsen Condor2 skins are ready for you for download and 1-click install. White-blue-red skins for gliders: Antares, ASK21, Blaník, Diana2, DuoDiscus, Genesis2, Grunau Baby, LS8neo, SG38, SwiftS1, StdCirrus, Ventus3.

"Nové laky" od Ibsena pre Condor2 - Ibsenovky 2 - formou inštaláku repaintov. Tradičné bielo-modro-červené laky vetroňov pre: Antares, ASK21, Blaník, Diana2, DuoDiscus, Genesis2, Grunau Baby, LS8neo, SG38, SwiftS1, StdCirrus, Ventus3.

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Ibsen Condor Skins / Ibsenovky

Author/Autor: Vlasťo "Ibsen" Bobula • Condor: V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 828 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE

Ibsen Condor skins are ready for you for download and 1-click install. Skins for ASG29, ASK13, ASW15, ASW22, ASW27, ASW28, ASW28-18, Discus2, Discus2c, Fox, Jantar2b, JantarStd3, LS10, LS4, LS6, LS8, Nimbus4, Ventus2, Ventus2cx.

"Nové laky" od Ibsena - Ibsenovky - formou inštaláku repaintov. Repainty týchto vetroňov: ASG29, ASK13, ASW15, ASW22, ASW27, ASW28, ASW28-18, Discus2, Discus2c, Fox, Jantar2b, JantarStd3, LS10, LS4, LS6, LS8, Nimbus4, Ventus2, Ventus2cx.

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Z-226 Skins Collection / Skiny pro Z-226

Author/Autor: Radek Pilař/Luboš Faitz • Condor: V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 2.48 MB • Filetype/Typ súboru: EXE

Repaints (17 pieces) of Z-226 towplane - Czech and Slovak airports: OK-KMP, OK-LMD, OK-MGM, OK-IFJ, OK-IMI, OK-KMJ, OK-KMO, OK-KNG, OK-LLF, OK-MPE, OK-MPO, OK-MQL, OM-LLV, OM-MFN, OM-MHG, OM-LLO. Also new engine sound included.

17 repaintov "dvestopäťky" z českých a slovenských letísk: OK-KMP, OK-LMD, OK-MGM, OK-IFJ, OK-IMI, OK-KMJ, OK-KMO, OK-KNG, OK-LLF, OK-MPE, OK-MPO, OK-MQL, OM-LLV, OM-MFN, OM-MHG, OM-LLO. Takisto pribalený nový zvuk motora.

 Download / Stiahnuť

AAT-Planner 1.0

Author/Autor: Helmut Kuenne (Fox9) • Condor: V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 19 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: ZIP

You can load a Condor flightplan, modify the radius and angle of each turnpoint and the RandSeed and save it as flightplan. If you want to create an Assigned Area Task (AAT) you must use a text editor, for the change of TP's radius. Now you can use AAT-Planner. Additional AAT-Planner calculates and shows the minimal and maximal distances.

 Download / Stiahnuť

CondorNav Free

Author/Autor: Zadmalck • Condor: V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 8.8 MB • Filetype/Typ súboru: ZIP

CondorNav is primarily a tool to help you to plan your flight by consideration of possible paths. For this, you can set accurate altitude markers by simple mouse clicks, in passes for example. Author hope this program will be helpful, especially for beginners in on-line flights, who want to prepare their races in an efficient and playful way.

 Download / Stiahnuť

IGC Corrector 0.32

Author/Autor: Dmitriy Balykin (BAD) • Condor: V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 129 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: ZIP

Tool for conversion of IGC tracks that recorded in Condor Northern Norway scenery to real world coordinates. It enable to see tracks in SeeYou and similar programs.

 Download / Stiahnuť

FPL to KML Converter 1.3.2

Author/Autor: Nick Bonniere (K17) • Condor: V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 186 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: ZIP

Windows software that creates a KML file for flight preparation that allows you to visualize a Condor FlightPlan in 3D using Google Earth. It needs to be on the same computer as Condor and also makes the necessary corrections for the Northern Norway scenery.

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Competition Manager / CompMan 1.0

Author/Autor: Helmut Kuenne (Fox9) • Condor: V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 151 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: ZIP

CompMan is a software, which supports organizers of Condor competitions. It reads the daily results which are available as CSV files and calculates the total results. Additional the software creates HTM files of day results and total results. This program needs Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.

CompMan je softvér určený pre organizátorov súťaží v Condore. Z CSV súborov preráta celkové výsledky za daný počet dní a vie vytvoriť HTML súbor s výsledkami. Program potrebuje Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.

 Download / Stiahnuť

ShowGliderDat 1.5

Author/Autor: Helmut Kuenne (Fox9) • Condor: V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 608 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: ZIP

ShowGliderDat presents the datas of soaring planes. It shows a lot of diagrams and contains two tools, a ballast calculator and a flightplanner. The datas used by this program are approximations to the speed polars of the Condor flightsimulator. Version 1.5 with Club Class gliders data.

ShowGliderDat je softvér na zobrazovanie jednotlivých dát vetroňov - vie zobraziť rôzne druhy grafov (speed polar, glide ratio atď.) a taktiež obsahuje dva nástroje - ballast calculator a flightplanner. Nová verzia 1.5 má už dáta aj pre klubovú triedu.

 Download / Stiahnuť

CondorWPFileGen 1.0.5

Author/Autor: Frank Paynter (TA1) • Condor: V1
Filesize/Veľkosť: 9 kB • Filetype/Typ súboru: ZIP

Condor CUP files (i.e. Provence2.cup) do not contain any airports, so they cannot be used directly in external PDA's for TAT/AAT tasks. Waypoint files can be downloaded from the real-life Worldwide Turnpoint exchange, but it can be difficult to determine which (if any) real-life turnpoint file corresponds to which Condor scenery. This program extracts airport information from a scenery's .APT file (i.e. Provence2.apt) and generates .CUP-compatible data which can then be saved to a .CUP file, or combined with the waypoint data from the scenery's .CUP file into another CUP file that can then be used in an external PDA. More informations in README.TXT file in ZIP archive.

 Download / Stiahnuť

Kde kúpiť Condora a scenérie?

Chcete si kúpiť Condor Soaring Simulator, ďalšie dodatočné klzáky alebo veľmi realistické scenérie pre Condora? Odporúčame a dávame vám do pozornosti náš spriatelený e-shop Zákazníkom ponúkajú na stiahnutie tiež všetky patche a návod k inštalácii. Poskytujú aj poradenstvo pri inštalácii simulátoru.
E-shop Condor 3 Simulator & Landscapes & Planes
E-shop Condor 3 Simulator & Landscapes & Planes