[C2] Batoh! (lietanie bez PDA)

Pravidlá & FAQ | [C2] Batoh!

General rules
Tasks without PDA in Condor 2, using only map for navigation, old classic race style - every Friday. Server A opening at 20:00 CE(S)T, server B opening at 21:00 CE(S)T. Join time is 30 minutes and 1 minute race in time, start window 120 minutes long. No password for server is required. The servers will be listed on the Condor serverlist and on alternative Hitzi's serverlist.

Classes & Task types
The contest will be flown in School Class (allowed planes: Blaník L13, ASK21, SGS1-26, GrunauBaby, SG39, K8, Ka6CR, PilatusB4 + not allowed/not scored plane: DG1000S) or Club Class (StdCirrus, Libelle, LS4a, LS3a, ASW19, ASW20, Pegase, DG101G). We will use DAeC index handicap (same values as in actual Condor 2 version). All Batoh! tasks will be racing tasks. JANUARY 1, 2021 UPDATE: turpoint helpers range: 0 km, planes icon range: 0 km.

Used sceneries
We are flying these sceneries: CW-F [1.0], CW-E [1.01], CW-D [1.0], CW-C [1.0], CW-B [2.0], CW-V [2.0], CW-A [1.1], Czech_Republic [0.5] and Slovenia2 [1.0].

The primary means of communication between contest organizers and contestants will be an e-mail. For scoring questions and submitting flight documentation contact contest organizers at batohvirtualsoaring.eu.

Any person with a copy of the Condor 2 Soaring Simulator is welcome to participate in the contest. There is no official registration process. Anyone who wants to start participating in the contest can do so by joining the contest server at the time of race.

Cloud flying: the penalty given by Condor applies (60 points per minute). Mid-air collisions: pilots can repair their gliders in the air without any penalty.

Non-finishers & Disconnected pilots
Non-finishers will get points for the achieved distance if the pilot landed safely. In case of crash he will get zero points. When pilot is disconnected during race because of his internet connection, he MUST sent/upload an IGC file via our website or e-mail at batohvirtualsoaring.eu to be scored. IGC file must be sent max. 6 hours after race starts.

Scoring & Champions
Each Batoh! race will be scored/calcutated to 1000 points. The pilot who achieves the highest cumulative score in 1/2 of all the races will be the quarter champion. When total number of races in quarter is an odd number, the 1/2 of the races will be rounded up.

FAQ: How to start a noPDA task
Tutorial in short: Race's clock must be started (you've heard the 3 bips) -> You have to be in the start sector (study the flight plan before entering the game!) -> Press J to see the start TP -> Look at 90° on your left, turn your glider to have both the TP basement and your left wing on the screen -> Press S key.

If all points above are correct, you'll see the confirmation message "xxx has started task". If you have only "Screenshot xxx saved", you have to retry. Bellow is a video made by Bades (BA) to illustrate a flight without PDA.

[C2] Batoh! | Livestream Playlist


Kde kúpiť Condora a scenérie?

Chcete si kúpiť Condor Soaring Simulator, ďalšie dodatočné klzáky alebo veľmi realistické scenérie pre Condora? Odporúčame a dávame vám do pozornosti náš spriatelený e-shop www.condorworld.eu. Zákazníkom ponúkajú na stiahnutie tiež všetky patche a návod k inštalácii. Poskytujú aj poradenstvo pri inštalácii simulátoru.

E-shop CondorWorld.eu: Condor 3 Simulator & Landscapes & Planes
E-shop CondorWorld.eu: Condor 3 Simulator & Landscapes & Planes